This video shows James Donovan speaking to high school students at the Global Youth Leaders Conference at the Manhattan College in Riverdale, New York. This took place on June 21, 2010.
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This video shows James Donovan speaking to high school students at the Global Youth Leaders Conference at the Manhattan College in Riverdale, New York. This took place on June 21, 2010.
As an adjunct professor in the School of Law at the University of Virginia, James Donovan helps students to think about their futures. In this recent lecture from November 6, 2015, James Donovan, the Goldman Sachs managing director, shares insights and advice to the law students.
Here is a brief video of Jim Donovan of Goldman Sachs speaking to high achieving high school students in Washington, D.C. in 2009.
The University of Virginia, where James Donovan is an Adjunct Professor, will begin offering a new dual-degree option for a JD and MD starting this fall. The program is a partnership between the School of Law and the School of Medicine and it will be one of 15 dual degrees offered at UVA Law.
As Richard Bonnie, the Law School’s adviser to the program, said “I think most such people want to be, for at least some part of their career, practicing physicians. That group of people, I’m predicting, will use the process of legal education and the skills they get from having their law degree to help them become successful policymakers and leaders of health care.”
The first student accepted to the program, Austin Sim, plans to specialize in radiation-oncology. He doesn’t know how the law degree will come into play, but he says that he could do policy work in Washington, D.C., or hospital administration.
Goldman Sachs managing director and University of Virginia professor James Donovan spoke with students during an Outside the Box Lunch lecture.
He explained that rather than narrowing your focus, you should expand your abilities. As he said, “If they think of you as their trusted financial advisor, they’re going to call you when they need help instead of going piecemeal to different bankers, or different people, or different firms. It allowed me to box out competition.”
He explained that being a generalist is to your advantage. As he said, “By practicing as a generalist, you have a much more steady stream of revenue associated with your clients and it helps smooth out the cyclicality of any one product or business offering that you might have. So, it was selfish, but it allowed me to be one of the largest revenue producers at the firm over the course of my career and it allowed me to predict the revenue I could earn from clients in a much more steady, organized fashion.”
University of Virginia’s School of Law, with Professor James Donovan, offers a program that integrates business and legal analysis, preparing the students for an immediate career.